Thursday, January 29, 2009

Small & Medium Businesses are Embracing Web 2.0

According to Access Market International (AMI) Partners, more than 40% of small and medium businesses (or about 2.8 million businesses) are using Web 2.0 applications as part of their normal business practices. Web 2.0 is a term that describes interactive web features such as blogs, wikis, and social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, & Digg.

At InsideUp, we believe that the embrace of Web 2.0 by small and medium businesses will continue to grow exponentially as companies find that applying Web 2.0 applications provides a forum for communication and exchange that can lead to a competitive advantage.

Here are some other interesting stats about how businesses use Web 2.0 from the AMI survey:

• More than 400,000 small and medium businesses in the U.S. use blogs and webcasts to promote their businesses.

• 24% of small and medium businesses are using SaaS (software as a service). SaaS applications, such as Backpack, a popular small business organization tool, are hosted on a service provider's computer and offered to businesses for use. This allows businesses to utilize effective tools without having to download, install, or maintain software.

• About 20% of small and medium businesses participate in online communities and portals, such as online chat forums.


Unknown said...

It's good to see that small businesses are finally using the internet to maximize their business opportunities. Hopefully this will help to boost our country's economy.

Unknown said...

This article was very useful!

Unknown said...
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